As mentioned above, the podcast features people I'm interested in, and will be interesting—and inspiring—to the listeners. I've [mostly] moved away from the crowdfunding focused episodes, as they don't tend to be evergreen conversations. But I'm always on the look out for great writers, and comic creators with something special to offer. It's hard to keep track of who's doing what, and who's making a splash. So if you'd like to be a guest, I encourage you to contact me. To improve help me, here are some tips to help me know a little something about you.

Who are you?

Have we met? Do we interact on social media? Do we have a mutual friend? Tell me about you.

why you?

It's never comfortable talking yourself up, but I'm selling engaged and inspiring conversations with interesting people. What do you feel the TRADECRAFT audience will love about you.


Tell me about your creative work to date. Make sure to include all your book, and/or comic work.


What in all that's holy drove you to contact me? Seriously, whats the hook line and synopsis of your project? Make me as excited as you about the project.

Who's the team?

Authors and auteurs side, there's a good chance this was a collaboration. List each team member with their credits.

Send a link

There are a lot of books and comics out there, with more and more, every day. There's no better way to get my attention than sharing what you've made. This will increase your chance of response.

List your website and social media accounts

Along with the above, this helps me get a better sense of who you are and what you you do.

Even if it doesn't work out, this time, please keep in touch. Send me your next thing, then the thing after that, and so on. There are thousands of writers and comic creators out there, and it takes time to stand out. Legendary creators aren't born, they work their fingers to the bone.

Email the podcast
